Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vulnerability and helplessness

"Help! i am flustered ... innundated and completely at loss as to what to do ...". 

Ever had that feeling before? Most humans have. In fact when there is no way out, people have contemplated suicide. Actually, if one dies before he dies he can appreciate that there is nothing else to lose and everything to gain.

Ever tried to sleep and not being able to? Let go of all your thoughts - good, bad and neutral and just relax into the moment. If you are tired, rest. If you are sleepy, sleep if u can.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Don't let your past dictate your future. It is only in the NOW that one can consciously and with awareness steer the situation or chip away old habits. Deal with the desperation and the helplessness now. What can be done right now? Otherwise let it rest and come back later when you are more centred.

Remembering to breathe. Remembering to give your mind plenty of space for that dilemma to swim it. Mind control is not about controling your mind. It is about giving lots and lots of space and rest to your mind. So much space and background and awareness can be given to the "hopeless situation". Give it time, give it awareness. Give it a chance to swim in your unconsciousness. Who knows it might even get to your superconsciousness and that where you will say "Aha!..."

Space yourself, give yourself lots of room to breathe. Look at the big picture. The bigger the picture the better. The astronaut who landed on the moon saw the earth as a tiny dot. Where was his life-threatening problem then? Where was his "O my god, how am i gonna pull thru this one" then?

Nothing lasts forever. Bad things, good things. This too shall come to pass. The only thing that is permanent is change itself. Life is a flux. We are not the same person we were an hour ago. Moods change easily. If we can manage our moods, we can take the 1st step to inner change.

Change our attitudes. Change ourselves first. Then vulnerability, helplessness takes on a new perspective. See things as they are. Don't add cosmetics to them. Don't judge or distort according our perception. Move on. Feel more ... think less. Rationalize less, be kinder more. Treat others the way we would like to be treated.

When we close our eyes and not think, doubt or worry. The space between the thoughts is where we start. In that space of emptiness, we are awake, aware and we witness and we watch non-judgementally. Watch and witness your weaknesses, your vulnerability, your helplessness. Just be with it. Don't resist the fear. Accept it. It won't last forever.

They will come again and again. But each time, a little less grip on you because you've learnt how to detach yourself from those demons. Now you can smile and say "Your grip on me is slipping off mr fear".

Clinging and attachment to misery causes suffering. So don't attach yourself to your new toys, your happiness too much. Sure enjoy them. Without sadness, joy would not be understood. Without vulnerability, solutions would not exist.

Find that eye of the storm where it is calm. It is the centre where rest and peace and harmony dwells. Be it inner or outer. Sense the flow of every difficult situation. Rise above it. The view is different from the bridge if the other is drowning in the river.

One cannot solve any problems created by the mind. One must come out of the mind ... into no mind or beyond mind to dissolve it.
If you look closely and deconstruct the mind, you find nothing.

So as soon as something becomes understood, we label and make it finite to our perception. Trust and befriend the unknown and the chaos or helplessness. Especially, death being the greatest teacher of all. If you love something or someone set it or him/her free. Give it space, infinite space.

In the infinite space, vulnerability, helplessness, death, all things evil and bad are there with the good, happy ones. There are no "bad" - only those things that have yet to evolve into goodness still.

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